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05 02 20

Cost of fitness club equipment

When we are thinking about creating a gym, the basic question is one - how much money do I need, how much does the club equipment cost? The answer depends primarily on the destination and size of the place.

For example, the question is whether in our club we want to focus on classes with trainers or simply to provide fitness accessories to our clients who will plan and carry out their trainings themselves.


Business plan - gym or fitness club


Of course, this decision depends on many factors. It regards, among others about the amount of space. If we have a large area at our disposal, we can of course think about a place for everyone. Separate a group exercise room and a separate, spacious room with fitness accessories that can be used by personal trainers. However, if our place has several dozen square meters, it is worth carefully preparing our business plan - in this case the gym must be carefully personalized.



If we set up at least a few larger equipment there may not be enough space for even a small group of yoga. In turn, if we prepare a large space for exercises, and fitness accessories occupy one, small shelf, we will be unattractive for those who prefer to train alone. Trying to satisfy everyone in this case, we can expose ourselves to the high cost of equipping a fitness club, but not succeed. There are many factors to consider when making this decision. For example, the location of the fitness club is very important.


How much does the yoga club equipment cost


Of course, our financial capabilities are also important. The cost of equipping a fitness club, in which we focus on yoga classes is definitely different from the gym to which we will want to invite, e.g. bodybuilders. In the first case, we need to take care of only the right floor and additional fitness accessories. The second business plan is much more demanding - a gym costs much more.



Regardless of the maximum cost of fitness club equipment, we should always remember the basic principle. Even if it is to be a gym in the countryside, business will be profitable only if we decide on professional equipment.

Of course, looking at the costs, we would prefer to buy e.g. a cheaper floor covering than a professional floor. We are happy to choose fitness accessories from a popular sports store instead of from a reputable company. Unfortunately, very often such saving ends with placing an ad: fitness club for sale ...


Cost of fitness club equipment - is it worth saving?


The fitness accessories we use at home should be of good quality. Remember that it's about our health... But in the case of the club, professional equipment is essential. This is definitely part of the cost of equipping a fitness club that you can't save on.

First of all, it's about the image of the gym - cheap equipment will make a bad impression. It is difficult to force customers to pay for a subscription, since we offer them fitness accessories that we probably would not like to use.



Cheaper equipment can also work well at home, and only if we practice once or twice a week. But we must remember that fitness accessories in clubs are loaded much more. Unprofessional equipment will simply wear out quickly. Destroyed equipment is a double cost for a fitness club. First of all, it needs to be repaired and sometimes even replaced. Secondly, it is a serious anti-advertising - if every now and again fitness accessories will go bad, then we will definitely lose customers.


How to estimate the cost of fitness club equipment


The tourism industry, for example, is well aware of the importance of equipment quality. Hotel gym equipment is not different today in many cases from professional fitness clubs. Gone are the days when choosing hotels with a pool and gym, we came to the facility with a paddling pool and a training bike in the corner. The number of hotels is so large that guest reviews are decisive today. To be positive, fitness accessories must be of the highest quality.



It's exactly the same for gyms. The equipment must be professional. That is why you should remember this when creating a business plan - a gym, i.e. fitness equipment and accessories is the largest expense.

It's always worth starting with a quote from professional suppliers. Instead of getting discouraged at the start, looking at how much the club's equipment costs, if we consider regular prices, it is better to contact the company directly. We will always be treated individually, and we can negotiate a discount. The final cost of fitness club equipment can really surprise us.

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