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24 02 20

Fitness room - how big should it be?

When planning to create a fitness club, we must carefully plan the space we want to arrange. Of course, the situation in which we can afford to build a gym is very rare. Most often, we need to adapt our requirements to a place that is currently free. There are changing rooms, bathrooms and technical rooms. Remember, however, that the key is the fitness room - the area that we have available determines the offer of our gym.


Fitness room - area as a measure of success


Before we start planning what classes we will organize in the gym, how many trainers to hire, what fitness accessories to buy, etc., we should consider whether we have space for it. The basic issue when creating a fitness club offer is the space we can use. The fitness room - the area that was intended for it - determines what activities we can organize, how many groups we can take in each day, or hire personal trainers, etc. It also affects which fitness accessories we need to buy. In turn, all these factors determine the cost of the fitness club equipment that we want to open.



Before we decide to open a club - we remind you once again - everything should be carefully calculated. You can't be guided by intuition or a premonition based even on many years spent in the gym. In addition, everything cannot be subordinated to trends. For example, if Zumba is the most popular at the gym, you can't immediately decide to include it in your club schedule. Remember: the fitness room is decisive - the space we have available can limit such plans. So before you decide, for example, on the aforementioned Zumba, ask a specialist for your opinion. For example, invite an instructor and ask if your club is large enough and how many groups will be able to practice freely. Of course, it is best to check it before you plan the opening of the gym - the requirements of individual classes must be precisely defined.


Fitness room - what dimensions guarantee success


Unfortunately, many club owners sometimes fall into the trap of a large area. They think that the bigger the gym, the better. They design a large area, forgetting how much the club's equipment costs. After all, a fitness room must be properly equipped. If the project will cover a large area, it may turn out that the fitness accessories themselves will absorb a large part of the budget.

There is one more problem with a large gym. It's about finding the right number of customers.


We have already mentioned it in another text that not every location has a chance of success. The situation is similar with the size of the club - if it is too big, there may not be enough customers. This in turn can have a terrible marketing effect, not to mention unnecessary expenses. It may turn out that we spent a lot of money on fitness accessories that nobody uses. This, in turn, means that the cost of equipping a fitness club will be too high in relation to profits...

So before we decide on the gym area, let's consider what will be the most optimal in relation to the number of our potential customers. In this case, let's also consult specialists. It is worth asking for help to trainers working in the area, as well as to professional manufacturers of fitness equipment. They will definitely help to prepare the appropriate simulations, and will also present ready, proven arrangements of the space itself.


What mirror for the gym, what crossfit equipment...


Speaking about the dimensions of the fitness room, it is impossible not to mention the arrangement of this place. This is not about how much the club's equipment costs, but what should be in it and exactly where. Instead of setting up fitness machines and accessories according to our intuition, it is better to hand it over to professionals. It's not just about the equipment itself, which should be located in a logical order. Then the equipment will be properly used.

We are also talking about other items of equipment - for example mirrors. Of course, you can say that no matter what gym mirror we buy and where we put it, it will be fine. In fact, their quality, size and place are of great importance.



Just like the proper layout of exercise areas. For example, suppose you want to organize a crossfit at the gym. Before you check what crossfit equipment you need to buy, it's better to first consider whether such classes will actually be good for your club. It may turn out that the appearance of crossfit exercisers at the gym will discourage other users who prefer to exercise in silence and concentration...

So remember to analyze many factors when planning the opening of the gym - the requirements of potential customers should always come first. It will also help us determine the optimal dimensions of the fitness room. However, it is always worth consulting with professionals who professionally deal with gym designing before making final decisions.

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