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Space Stretch

Space Stretch

For women


Straightening of leg in the knee while sitting

Hook one end of the rubber above the ankle, while the other end should be hooked to the leg of a chair. Straighten and bend your leg in the knee alternately, while paying attention to the tension of the quadriceps.

3 series x 10 repetitions per leg


Bulgarian squat on one leg

Put one leg comfortably on a chair, place the centre of the rubber on your other leg and then make a forward step while holding both ends in your hands. Make sure that your torso is perpendicular to the ground and your chest is stretched out, then go down as deeply as possible and get back up.

3 series X 10 repetitions per leg


Bending of leg in the support

Stand in front of a chair, put one end of the rubber on the chair leg, while the other should be attached to the leg above your ankle, lean hands on the chair and while holding your stomach tense, bend your leg in the knee with straight back. Subsequently, perform a controlled return to the starting position. Keep the weight on your forward leg. Try to keep your hip evenly all the time.

3 serie x 12 repetitions per leg


Leading your leg to the back

Wrap the rubber end on the chair leg and put the other end on your leg, then lead the hook leg back while supporting yourself on the chair, and firmly tighten the buttock and slowly lower your leg.

3 series x 15 repetitions per leg



Keep your legs bent, while your shoulders raised and bent. Your back must be straight. Remember that the rubber between your legs should be constantly tensioned.

3 series x 20 steps in each direction


Leading your legs while sitting

Sit on a chair, tightly wrap the rubber above your knees and stabilize the torso. Legs should be bent in the knees and placed near each other at 90-degree angle. Take a breath before starting. Then, overcoming resistance of the rubber, lead your thighs away as far as possible and breath out in the final phase of the movement. The movement can be stopped for 1-2 seconds in the position of maximum thigh tilt. Then, slowly return to the starting position in a controlled manner.

3 series x 20 repetitions


Bending of forearms using neutral grip (hammer)

Your silhouette must be straight, your stomach tense and shoulder blades pulled. While holding the rubber ends using hammer grip, bend the hands and straighten them alternately, and control the hand lowering movement in a very slow manner.

3 series x 12 repetitions per arm


Straightening of forearms with the drop of your torso

Attach the rubber end to the chair leg, grab the other rubber end and support yourself on the chair. While keeping the upper part of your arm still, straighten your forearm from the back by tensioning the triceps. Make a pause lasting one second in the upper position, and then return to the starting position.

3 series x 12 repetitions


Push-ups on a chair with resistance

Put the rubber behind your back and while grabbing its ends, lean on the chair arms and slowly go down with your chest as deeply as possible.

4 series x 7 repetitions


Push-ups with legs on a chair

Put the rubber behind your back, grab its ends and stably put your hands on the floor. Place your legs on a chair. In this position, slowly bend the forearms, while going down with your chest to the floor.

3 series x 8 repetitions


Pushing the rubber forward while sitting on a chair

Attach the rubber behind your back to the chair back and grab the rubber, so that it runs under the arms, hands pointing upwards. Straighten your arms and push the rubber forward.

3 series x 10 repetitions


Rowing with the drop of your torso above the head

Hook the rubber centre by the door handle or the door edge, stand stably with one leg and go forward. While holding the rubber ends, tilt your torso and straighten both hands above the head making sure that the rubber is constantly tensioned, then pull back behind yourself with slightly bent elbows and slowly return. This exercise can be performed while standing or on a bent knee.

4 series x 12 repetitions



Place your feet on the rubber, more or less in the middle of its length, then space out your feet to the width of your pelvis. Pull in your hands with the rubber to the height of shoulders and perform a squat.

3 series x 15 repetitions


Side lunges

Stand on the rubber and perform lunge to the side by shifting your weight to the front leg, push your hip hard to the back and keep your knee above the foot.

3 series x 10 lunges on each side


Bilateral rowing with the drop of your torso

Stand in the position just like for deadlift, lean your torso forward and from the position of straight hands alternately pull your elbows back and forth.

3 series x 12 repetitions



Hold both ends of the rubber with your hands, stand on the rubber with both feet, feet on the width of the pelvis, make sure that the rubber was quite tight and lean in forward by bending your knees and pushing your hip back at the same time, keep your back straight and shoulder blades pulled.

3 series x 15 repetitions  


Push-ups with resistance

Keep the rubber in both hands, tighten it behind your back and perform the push-up, so that it would constitute resistance in the phase of arm straightening.

3 series x 10 repetitions


Chest flies

Fix the rubber on gateway at the chest level, stand sideways to the rubber and with one hand pull the rubber in a way tightening the chest muscles.

3 series x 12 repetitions


Pressing on the shoulders

Sit down with rubber under your buttocks on the bench. Start the movement keeping your hands with the rubber at the height of shoulder girdle and while holding firmly tensed stomach, press the hands over your head.

3 series x 12 repetitions


Raising of shoulders

Stand with one foot on the rubber, holding the ends of rubber in both hands and raise your arms to the side, while holding tensed stomach.

3 series x 12 repetitions


Bending forearms while standing

Stand with one foot on the rubber, hold both ends of the rubber and bend your forearms.

3 series x 12 repetitions


Bending forearms with the drop of your torso

With a slight drop of your torso, place the centre of the rubber under rear leg and bend your forearms in the elbow joints.

3 series x 12 repetitions


Straightening of forearms behind your head

Stand with one foot on the rubber, hold the other end of the rubber in your hand, straighten and bend your forearm behind the head.

3 series x 10 repetitions per arm


Straightening elbows with the drop of your torso

Bend you torso, while straightening the spine at the same time. Stand with both feet on the rubber and while holding the other end of the rubber, straighten your elbows.

3 series x 12 repetitons on each side


Alternating bending of legs while lying down

While lying on the back, put your feet in holes on the rubber and while keeping the lumbar section on the floor, keep your stomach firmly tight and perform alternating bending of the legs.

3 series x 20 repetitions


Bends while standing or kneeling with the rubber

Hook the handle at the top of the gateway. Kneel, while holding the second handle by your chest with both hands. While rounding your back, bend your lumbar thoracic section of the back by leaning your torso down. Slowly return to the starting position.

3 series x 15-20 repetitions


Leading your leg to the back

In the position on all fours, hook the rubber on the sole of one foot and wrap the ends of the tape around your hand. Keep your back straight. Slowly straighten your leg, while stretching the rubber and return to the starting position.

3 series x 15 repetitions per leg


Leading your leg to the side

Put the tape under your feet, grab its ends in your hands and stand up straight. Shift the weight of your body to the left leg and move your right leg to the side just above the ground, in order to tighten the rubber. Lift your left leg higher, but do not tilt your torso. After a while, lower it down (but not to the ground) and lift again.

3 series x 15 repetitions per leg

Space Stretch

For men


Lunges to the back

Place one leg on the rubber and grab the other two ends with your hands. Bend the forward leg in the knee and make a step back with your second leg. While keeping the body weight on your forward leg, straighten this leg in the knee. This exercise should be performed slowly, using tension of the rubber and focusing on the muscle part that is responsible for making the movement.

3 series x 10 repetitions per leg


Bending of knees in a lying position

While lying on your stomach, hook the rubber ends to the feet around the ankles. Attach the rubber to a stable element (sofa, table). While bending your legs in the knees, pull the heels towards your buttocks. This exercise should be performed slowly, using tension of the rubber and focusing on the muscle part that is responsible for making the movement.

4 serie po 10 powtórzeń


Rowing while standing

While standing, slightly bend your knees, keep your back straight and proudly push the chest forward. Attach the rubber centre to the door handle and take two extreme ends of the rubber in your hands. While tightening the rubber, pull the shoulder blades towards each other, slightly bending your arms in the elbows. This exercise should be performed slowly, using tension of the rubber and focusing on the muscle part that is responsible for making the movement.

4 serie po 12 powtórzeń.


Benching in a lying position

While lying on your back, place the rubber between the floor and your shoulder blades, so that it runs along your arms during the exercise. Start the exercise by placing your arms on the floor at approx. 45° angle to the torso. Grab the rubber in your hands, so that it is already tensioned in the starting position. Your hands should run along the sternum line. Then, straighten your arms in the elbows even tighter by tensioning the Space Stretch. Focus on the maximum tension and the work of your chest muscles.

4 series x 15 repetitions

Shoulders and quadriceps

Vertical pull up

Place the rubber under your feet in a standing position, so that it’s possible to grab its ends with your hands. The more you stretch the rubber, the heavier the exercise will be. Pull your shoulder blades back, push the chest forward and keep your hands close to each other along the torso. Then, while leading the movement with elbows upwards, pull the rubber towards your chin. The movement should be performed slowly, focusing on the tension of the shoulders and trapezius muscle.

3 series x 12 repetitions.

Shoulders and quadriceps


While in a standing position, place the rubber under your feet, so that its ends can be grabbed with your hands. Make sure that the rubber is strongly tightened. Pull the shoulder blades back, push your chest forward, hold your hands along the torso, slightly bend your elbows (arms remain in this position throughout the exercise) and perform a relatively short movement, pulling the shoulders towards your ears.

3 series x 12 repetitions


Bending of forearms in a kneeling position

Attach the rubber centre to a stable element (e.g. door handle). Grab the other two ends of the rubber with your hands. Stand facing the door and bend one knee, while putting the other leg forward. Raise the arms to create 90° angle with the torso. Keep your torso straight, your arms without moving and bend only the forearms. The entire movement must be performed by flexing the biceps, pulling the rubber towards the face (hands to your forehead).

3 series x 12 repetitions


Bending of forearm in a kneeling position

Place one foot on the rubber, grabbing the inner rubber end with your hand. The shorter the rubber piece that performs this exercise, the greater the load. Minimally bent elbow must be placed on the inner side of your thigh, near the knee. Tighten the biceps by pulling the rubber up until full bending of your forearm.

3 series x 12 repetitions per arm


Straightening of forearms in a kneeling position

Attach the rubber centre to a stable element (e.g. door handle). Grab the other two ends of the rubber with your hands. Stand with your back to the door and bend one knee, while placing the other leg forward. Raise the arms to create 90° angle with the torso. Keep your torso straight, your arms without moving and bend only the forearms. Hands must be directed forward, in the direction of performed exercise. Focus on the tension of triceps at the moment of straightening the forearms.

3 series x 15 repetitions

Space Stretch

Exercises in pairs


Rowing while sitting

Sit opposite each other with slightly bent knees and blocked feet. Hold your torso straight and stable, and loosen your shoulder blades while reaching for the rubber. One person grabs the rubber centre and the other person grabs two extreme ends. Both persons perform the same move simultaneously. The elbows must be slightly bent and you need to pull the rubber to your side, while pulling the shoulder blades. Focus the movement on the work using shoulder blades, by slightly bending the forearms.

4 series 15 repetitions


Chest benching

Sit back to back, while blocking your posture in order to maintain stable positions. One person grabs the rubber centre and the other person grabs two extreme ends. Both persons perform the same move simultaneously. We start the movement by holding the rubber close to the body. Straighten the arms simultaneously and tighten the chest.

4 series x 12 repetitions

Stomach – stabilization

Rowing in the support

Both persons make a support in the front by grabbing the rubber on the same side. Both persons pull the rubber towards them simultaneously, while bending the forearm. Focus your movement on tightening the stomach, maintaining the position, as well as engaging the back muscles and the biceps.

4 series x 10 repetitions per side


Bending of forearms in a standing position in a pair

Stand facing each other and put one leg forward in order to stand stably on the ground. One person grabs the rubber centre and the other person grabs two extreme ends. The person holding the rubber centre must bend the arms and flex the bicep muscles isometrically (statically), so that the forearms do not change position. The other person bends the forearms and pulls the rubber towards the head. Each person performs 4 series x 10 repetitions, while changing the forward leg every 2 series.

4 series x 10 repetitions per person

Multi-joint exercise

Back and leg muscles

One person lays on the back and bends the knees, so that its feet rest on the floor. The other person stands with one leg forward. The rubber must be attached to the forward leg of the standing person. Both persons perform the work independently of each other (at their own pace). The lying person pulls its arms until the hands will reach the chest height, focusing on the back muscles, so that they perform the movement. The other person bends its leg in the knee, while moving one leg forward. Both feet do not change their position during this exercise.

4 series x 12 repetitions per person